Samuel Barbosa
Samuel G. Barbosa (born in 1981) has a graduate degree in Audiovisual, Arts and Communication by the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, in Portugal, and a master’s degree in Digital Arts, by the École Européenne de L’Image, in France. He is currently developing investigative work in cinema and working on his doctorate degree in the Faculdad de Bellas Artes, in the Universidade de Vigo, in Spain.
Since 2001, he has been working as a film technician in the areas of direction and production. He has worked with producers like Paulo Rocha and Paulo Branco and with the directors Paulo Rocha, Werner Schroeter, Fernando Lopes and Bruno de Almeida. As of late, he has been developing film projects with the director and producer Rodrigo Areias.
[2021] Around Rocha's Table