Nocturne for a forest

Catarina Vasconcelos

In the 15th century, in Portugal, a group of monks built a wall around a forest and prevented the entry of women. But the hands of the living cannot control everything: in the invisible world, where night reigns and only souls light up the forest, women have built their kingdom of invisibility, without walls.


[2023] Locarno Film Festival [Switzerland]
[2023] Concorto Film Festival [Italy]
[2023] Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival BIEFF (Award for Best Director) [Romania]
[2023] Black Canvas FCC [Mexico]
[2023] New York Film Festival [USA]
[2023] Lima Alterna International Film Festival (Honorable Mention - International Short Film Competition) [Peru]
[2023] La Roche-sur-Yon International Film Festival [France]
[2023] Viennale [Austria]
[2023] Visual Arts Festival Turku – VAFT [Finland]
[2023] IDFA - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam [The Netherlands]
[2023] Baku International Short Film Festival [Azerbaijan]
[2023] ZINEBI [Spain]
[2023] RIDM - Montreal International Documentary Festival [Canada]
[2023] FIDOCS [Chile]
[2023] Márgenes. Madrid International Film Festival [Spain]
[2023] InLaguna Film Festival [Italy]
[2023] Festival Internacional de Cine de Rengo [Chile]
[2023] BOGOSHORTS - Bogotá Short Film Festival [Colombia]
[2024] Berlin Critics' Week [Alemanha]
[2024] Thessaloniki Documentary Festival [Greece]
[2024] International Film Festival of Uruguay [Uruguay]
[2024] Akbank Short Film Festival [Turkey]
[2024] Hong Kong International Film Festival [China]
[2024] Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen [The Netherlands]
[2024] Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival [Germany]
[2024] University of Amsterdam Film Club [The Netherlands]
[2024] IndieLisboa - International Film Festival (Special Mention from the School's Jury [Portugal]
[2024] FRONTERA SUR Film Festival [Chile]
[2024] Mostra de Cinema Português em Macau [Macao]
[2024] Habitar el Cine - Caracas International Contemporary Film Festival [Venezuela]
[2024] EXiS Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul [South Korea]
[2024] New Horizons IFF [Poland]
[2024] Encontros | ADERNO - Associação Cultural [Portugal]
[2024] Santa Curtas [Portugal]
[2024] FRAMEOUT Open Air Cinema in Vienna [Áustria]
[2024] Festival Silhouette (Special Jury Prize)[France]
[2024] EUREKA University Film Festival [Colombia]
[2024] Helsinki International Film Festival - Love & Anarchy [Finland]
[2024] Ivano-Frankivsk International Short Film Festival 4:3 [Ukraine]
[2024] UNDERDOX [Germany]
[2024] CineEco [Portugal]
[2024] vistacurta [Portugal]
[2024] Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur [Switzerland]
[2024] Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival [Germany]
[2024] Caminhos do Cinema Português [Portugal]

Fiction, Experimental
2023, Portugal, 16'

Script: Catarina Vasconcelos
Cinematography: Paulo Menezes
Sound: Miguel Martins, Miguel Diogo
Editing: Francisco Moreira
​Production:Pedro Fernandes Duarte / Primeira Idade
Cast: Paula Guedes